1. If there is an intention to appeal to the Insurance Ombudsman, the Applicant Insurance Company notifies another Insurance Company of the intention to appeal to the Insurance Ombudsman, for which it is necessary to fill out the form "Notification of the intention to appeal to the Insurance Ombudsman" and send it to the Insurance company with which it is planned to settle the dispute.
From this moment, the Insurance Company is provided with 3 (three) working days – for a possible settlement of the dispute.
2. If the Insurance Company with which the dispute is to be settled has sent a letter with a final response that does not satisfy the Applicant, or if the Insurance Company has not sent the Applicant a final response within three working days, the Applicant Insurance Company has the right to send a written application to the Insurance Ombudsman to settle the insurance dispute.
3. The Insurance Ombudsman shall receive representatives of Insurance organizations, Policyholders, Insured Persons, Beneficiaries and their attorneys (representatives) from Monday to Friday, with the exception of weekends and holidays at the location of the Institution.
4. The amount of claims for disagreements of the persons specified in part two of this paragraph should not exceed ten thousand times the size of the monthly calculation index.
5. The completed application and the attached documents must be sent to the Applicant to the Insurance Ombudsman at the address: 050042, Almaty, Ryskulbekov str., 28/7 Bai Tal Residential Complex, 2nd floor (in the building of JSC FSV), tel. +7 (727) 382-41-74.
6. The applicant may attach to his application all documents that he considers relevant to the case, or may make a reference to documents or other evidence that he will present in the future.
7. The Insurance Ombudsman shall be provided with copies of documents relating to disagreements on the dispute of the proceedings.
8. If necessary, the Insurance Ombudsman has the right to request the provision of the original document or a duly certified copy and extract from such document for review.